Local Build

Local Build#

In addition to directly editing it on GitHub, you can also download the repository to your local machine, edit the files, and then upload. You may want to visually check that everything works fine before uploading. To do this, you can build the doc locally.


First, create a conda environment:

$ conda create --name wen_group_manual
$ conda activate wen_group_manual

Clone the repo from GitHub to your local machine:

$ git clone https://github.com/wengroup/group_manual.git

Then install dependencies and this repo:

$ pip install -e group_manual


We use jupyter-book to convert the markdown source files into html webpages. To build it, in the directory where the pyproject.toml file resides, do

$ jupyter-book build docs --path-output docs_build

The generated group manual is placed in docs_build, and you can look at it by opening this file in a browser: docs_build/_build/html/index.html.