
The below instructions apply to the HPE DSI Carya and Sabine clusters.

Getting access to VASP#

To check the available VASP modules, do

$ module avail vasp

Then select one from the list and load it, e.g.

$ module load vasp-wen/6.4.2

Run a first VASP jobs#

The example performs a relaxation of a Si diamond structure. First, create a directory and put into it the below three files. The names of the files should INCAR, POSCAR KPOINTS, and POTCAR.

INCAR is the central input file of VASP.

NSW = 99
NELM = 200
PREC = Accurate
ALGO = Normal
ENCUT = 520
EDIFF = 1e-5
ISIF = 3
SIGMA = 0.2

POSCAR gives the atomic structure of the material.

Diamond silicon structure
3.348898 0.000000 1.933487
1.116299 3.157372 1.933487
0.000000 0.000000 3.866975
0.250000 0.250000 0.250000 Si
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 Si

KPOINTS gives the Bloch vectors to sample the Brillouin zone.

k grid mesh
4 4 4

POTCAR gives the pseudopotential.

POTCAR is proprietary, and we cannot list it publicly. To get it, on Carya or Sabine, copy /project/wen/commons/vasp/pp/POT_GGA_PAW_PBE_54/Si/POTCAR to your directory.

Then, in the directory, submit the job using the below Slurm script.

#!/bin/bash -l

#SBATCH --job-name=vasp_job
#SBATCH --account=wen
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=24
#SBATCH --mem=50GB  # max 189 GB

#SBATCH --exclusive

module load vasp-wen/6.4.2

mpirun -n 24 --bind-to core vasp_std


Don’t forget to add the #SBATCH --exclusive line, otherwise your MPI job will fail if other users are trying to run MPI jobs on the same node. This is not needed on Carya.

#!/bin/bash -l

#SBATCH --job-name=vasp_job
#SBATCH --account=wen
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=24
#SBATCH --mem=50GB  # max 189 GB

module load vasp-wen/6.4.2

mpirun -n 24 --bind-to core vasp_std


In some other tutorials, instead of using the KPOINTS file, you can add a KSPACING value in the INCAR file to automatically generate the k-points mesh.

VASP data files#

Pseudopotentials are located at: /project/wen/commons/vasp/pp

Vdw kernels are located at: /project/wen/commons/vasp/vdw_kernel