
Fireworks enables easy managing and executing workflows.


The below instruction is for the Carya cluster. It may need slight adjustments for other clusters.


After logging into the cluster, let’s first clone the fireworks repo into the ~/Packages directory, and then install it in the ht_mat conda environment.

$ mkdir -p ~/Packages && cd ~/Packages
$ git clone
$ conda activate ht_mat
$ pip install -e fireworks


See Atomate2 Workflows for what ht_mat and <CONFIG_DIR> (to be used) are.

Here we clone from the repo, not the official repo, because we need to use the uri_mode for MongoDB Atlas URI. Once this PR is merged, we can use the official repo.


Fireworks needs to be configured before it can work properly. For each of the yaml files below, create it in the <CONFIG_DIR> directory with the corresponding content. You will need to replace <CONFIG_DIR> by the full path to your config file directory, and everything else in <> by your MongoDB credentials.


This file specifics fireworks configurations.


Also, edit ~/.bashrc and add:

export FW_CONFIG_FILE=<CONFIG_DIR>/FW_config.yaml

Don’t forget to source it after editing, so that the modification will be effective in the current shell:

$ source ~/.bashrc


This file specifies the database to store Fireworks lanuchpad info, and other launchpad settings.

host: <uri>
name: <database>
uri_mode: true
logdir: null
Istrm_lvl: DEBUG
user_indices: []
wf_user_indices: []


This file specifics how to run a job using the SLURM scheduler. You may want to adjust a few stuff (e.g. walltime, ntasks, mem, pre_rocket etc.) to suit your needs.

_fw_name: CommonAdapter
_fw_q_type: SLURM
rocket_launch: rlaunch singleshot
nodes: 1
ntasks: 24
walltime: 0-01:00:00
account: wen
job_name: fw_job
# mem: 50GB
signal: SIGINT@60
pre_rocket: |
  module load vasp-wen/6.4.2
  conda activate ht_mat

Running a flow#

Initializing launchpad#


BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL WHEN RUNNING THIS RESET COMMAND. It will wipe all existing entries in your fireworks database in the fireworks, workflows, and launches collections.


You typically only need to run the reset command once. DON’T redo it unless you know what you are doing.

OK, let’s state this again: BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL WHEN RUNNING THIS RESET COMMAND. It will wipe all existing entries in your fireworks database in the fireworks, workflows, and launches collections. Make sure the ht_mat conda environment is activated and then do $ lpad reset to initialize/reset your launchpad.

Creating a workflow#

Create a file named and put in it:

from fireworks import LaunchPad
from atomate2.vasp.flows.core import RelaxBandStructureMaker
from jobflow.managers.fireworks import flow_to_workflow
from pymatgen.core import Structure

# construct a rock salt MgO structure
mgo_structure = Structure(
    lattice=[[0, 2.13, 2.13], [2.13, 0, 2.13], [2.13, 2.13, 0]],
    species=["Mg", "O"],
    coords=[[0, 0, 0], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]],

# make a band structure flow to optimise the structure and obtain the band structure
bandstructure_flow = RelaxBandStructureMaker().make(mgo_structure)

# convert the flow to a fireworks WorkFlow object
wf = flow_to_workflow(bandstructure_flow)

# submit the workflow to the FireWorks launchpad
lpad = LaunchPad.auto_load()

Then you can add it to your fireworks launchpad by $ python

You can verify that it is added by:

lpad get_fws -s READY

Launching a workflow#

The above commands only add the workflow to the launchpad, but the workflow hasn’t been submitted for running. To run the workflow, you can use the qlaunch command to submit jobs using SLURM. You can use singleshot to submit a single job or rapidfire to submit multiple jobs.


Make sure you are in the directory you want your calculations to be run from before running the below commands. On Carya, do not run the commands from your home directory, instead, create a directory (e.g. fw_launches) in /project/wen/<your_carya_username>/ and run the commands from there.

$ conda activate ht_mat   # can be ignored if already activated
$ qlaunch singleshot
$ conda activate ht_mat   # can be ignored if already activated
$ qlaunch rapidfire --nlaunches 1

You may want to increase the number of launches to submit more jobs. Specifically, you can use --nlaunches infinite to keep submitting jobs without stop (use this mode with caution!).


Use $ qlaunch --help, $ qlaunch singleshot --help, $ qlaunch rapidfire --help etc. to see help message on qlaunch.

Monitoring your workflow#

You can use appropriate SLURM commands, e.g. squeue to see whether your job starts or not.

Also, to check the status of your jobs, you can do

$ lpad get_fws -s RUNNING

Alternatively, you can use a Web GUI to monitor the status of your workflows. To enable this, follow the above Installing and Configuration steps to set it up on your laptop (not on the cluster). Then

$ lpad webgui  # on a local terminal not connected to the cluster

will open a tab in our web browser to show the status of your workflows.

More information#