Materials Design with AI, Simulation, and Data
We have implemented DRIP as a LAMMPS built-in model, and it is available since
the 5Jun19
version. Note
package, so you need to add it when installing LAMMPSlammps/examples/USER/misc/drip/
or you can find it
herelammps pair drip
to get documentationThe DRIP (Dihedral-angle-corrected registry-dependent interlayer potential)
provides an improved description of the interlayer interactions for multilayer
graphene structures.
See our paper for more information
about it. We have implemented the DRIP
as a KIM model.
To use it, follow the below instructions.
Follow to install kim-api-v2-2.0.0
The instructions given there assume you have root access and install the API to
If you do not have root access or want to install to another directory, follow
in the kim-api-v2-2.0.0
Note, if you chose not to install the kim-api-v2-2.0.0
package in the standard
location, you will need to get the kim-api library on PATH
by doing some thing
like (assume you are using Bash
$ source activate path/to/the/installed/kim-api/library/bin/kim-api-v2-activate
driver and model can be obtained from my GitHub.
The "v2.0.0" branch of both the driver and model is compatible with kim-api-v2-2.0.0
Below is a quick way to install them.
$ git clone --branch v2.0.0
$ kim-api-v2-collections-management install user ./DRIP_WenTadmor__MD_000000111111_000
$ git clone --branch v2.0.0
$ kim-api-v2-collections-management install user ./DRIP_WenTadmor_2018_C__MO_000000111111_000
To check that the driver and model are successfully installed, do:
$ kim-api-v2-collections-management list
You should be able to see
and DRIP_WenTadmor_2018_C__MO_000000111111_000
in the User Collection
To use KIM with LAMMPS, you will need pair_kim
For now please put pair_kim.cpp
and pair_kim.h into your LAMMPS
directory (we have made pull request to LAMMPS and the next official
release of LAMMPS will be compatible with KIM), and then make LAMMPS the usual
way you do.
now only supports atom_style atomic
, so please use it in your
LAMMPS input script.
only provides the interlayer interactions, so if you want to use it
together with a potential that provides the intralayer interaction (REBO
example), you can use the hybrid/overlay
pair style and put in the LAMMPS
script the following lines:
pair_style hybrid/overlay kim DRIP_WenTadmor_2018_C__MO_000000111111_000 rebo
pair_coeff * * kim C
pair_coeff * * rebo CH.airebo C
Note, we implement the DRIP
potential in KIM using a different approach from
the KC
potential in LAMMPS.
In the KIM implementation of DRIP
, we have a method to separate the simulation
configuration into layers automatically.
So there is no need to assign atoms into different molecules as the LAMMPS KC